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Free Planner Pdf & Time Blocking Tips

Many of us will be kicking off a new month with a new routine or if you live down south like me you are starting that this month.I want to help evaluate our intentions and daily goals along with coming up with a plan so that we feel less overwhelmed as the pace of life seems to pick up!

Do you already feel like most days you’re flying by the seat of your pants or that there is never enough time in the day or that you’re always behind and that you’re not present in any area of your life?

If so I’m glad your here!

I want to share about how time blocking helped me no longer feel those things on a daily basis, so you don’t have to feel these things either.

If you’ve been wanting to time block but have no idea where to start or what the benefits are, let’s get started!

Time blocking is a time management method that has you divide your day into blocks of time. Each block is dedicated to accomplishing a specific task, or group of tasks, and only those specific tasks.

Sunday night is when I typically grab my planner & get to time blocking.

Here is what I block/make time for:

1. Morning routine: drink my water, take supplements, make my coffee, set a timer for 30 minutes to tidy up the house, read my Bible, journal my payers~gratitude list~my vision for my life & then I read personal development.

2. Specific work tasks AKA my BAT (check ins with clients/coaches, emails, blogging, writing content, follow ups, messages etc)

3. Appointments for myself/kids

4. Workout

5. Meals (allows me to eat without working & be present)

6. Conference & 1:1 calls along with training calls

7. Time with my husband, kids, friends

8. Getting ready for the day

9. Walks with Cash

Each day looks different & I can not expect everything to go smoothly because let’s be realistic that’s a rarity for any of us. Right??

Time blocking always helps me to feel way more in control, I’ve tried to go without it & I don’t recommend it.

Time blocking allows me to accomplish more.

Time blocking allows me to feel less stressed.

Time blocking gives me more time to do the things that are important to me.

And most importantly allows me to create the lifestyle I craved to live for many years prior to opening the doors to my current business.

Whether you think you’re a person that thrives off routine or a schedule or not, I truly believe we all do.

What are your thoughts?

I hope this helps make next week a lot easier for you!

There is no better way to stay on track than a daily planner to help you manage all you get to do every day. Yes, there are notes, alarms and apps that can do all of this for you on your device, but if you are a paper + pencil person, this is a gift for you in case you do not currently have a planner!

This daily planner is a one pager that includes your must-do’s (the tasks you must get done that day), your can-do’s (the bonus tasks you’d like to get done that day), a place to gratitude journal each day and a place for any important notes you need to remember! The page also includes space for you to time block schedule your day. Start at your wake up time and pencil in everything you need to do to stay on track!

Will you be using this PDF freebie? Do you already have a digital or paper planner routine?

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Hi, I'm Kate, a Holistic Health + Integrative Health Practitioner, Accountability Coach and  A Business Mentor. I love helping other women learn how incredible they are meant to feel from within that they can't help but glow on the outside.


Please consult the doctor you are currently working with prior to starting your wellness journey. Everything on my website is simply based off my own personal experiences and education

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