Can You Help Me Fully Fund A Rescue?
I learned about Our Rescue last spring and wanted to turn my head to what I had learned partly because it was very difficult to stomach the information I was absorbing about sex trafficking involving children, I was sickened to hear that children as young as infants are being sold and what a huge problem modern day slavery is worldwide. As a parent and as a human being I feel the strongest urge on my heart to not turn my head and feel bad about what is happening, but to actually step up and do something to help these children. I contacted Our Rescue and asked them what it would roughly cost to fund a mission to rescue children, they told me anywhere from $30,000-$60,000. I thought okay God this is a lot of money to raise but I know you put this on my heart for a reason and I believe he can help me make this possible. My goal is to raise enough money to FULLY fund a rescue mission. I am excited to bring people together from all over our country virtually to do something that will greatly impact the lives of the children that desperately need our help! Please help me by sharing this fundraiser, asking the businesses you work for if they can donate or donating any amount you are able too to help. Every bit can and will make a difference. A HUGE THANK YOU in advance to those of you that help, even if it's $1 it matters!
He is the link to the fundraiser and please note a tax receipt will be provided if you need one for your business or personal taxes to claim:
And if you decide to run a 5K virtually on December 6th for those who can't please tag me on instagram @freshfitkate or on facebook. It would be super cool to get someone for each state running and representing for such an important cause!