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Metanoia (n.) the journey of chone’s mind, heart, self, or way of life.

This is what I want each & every single one of my clients to experience, I want to invite you to something but before I do I want to ask you something.

Have you ever looked at an older picture of yourself and thought “gosh I would give anything to look like that again”? But when you really think about it we’re you happy with what you saw staring back at you at that time?Most of us would say sadly I wish I was. But it’s a lesson to us all. The outside, our physical appearance, our size, our weight isn’t what brings us the pure joy we’re seeking to feel & see.

Happiness, joy, positive mindset, confidence all begins from within.

On this journey with me as a client yes you are going to work out, you are going to learn how to fuel your body properly, you’re going to drink all the water but more importantly you’re going to do the inside work.

So I am so stinking excited to start accepting clients into my next Accountability group that begins March 1st!

The Mindset Makeover Commitment

31 Days of focusing on creating a healthier mindset & bringing more joy into your daily life!

Get all the tools you need to start your journey to create a healthier happier you!

Tools provided when you become my client:

1. private accountability group accessed through an app 2. 1 year membership to stream personal celebrity trainers into your home 3. two nutrition plans, I will help you figure out which one is best for you extra support from our nutritionist & dietician for 30 days 4. weekly meal plans with recipes & a grocery list 5. welcomed into a community that will empower & encourage you on the daily 6. 30 servings of my favorite superfood smoothie 7. me as your coach 8. And more!

Head to to fill out my client application or feel free to message me on Instagram @freshfitkate! I would love to share more details & answer any questions you may have!

EEEKKK I can not wait to see who decides to gift themselves with this journey!

Get ready because my hope is this is the game changer for your life like it has been for mine


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Hi, I'm Kate, a Holistic Health + Integrative Health Practitioner. I love helping other women learn how incredible they are meant to feel from within that they can't help but glow on the outside.


As a board certified Holistic Health Practitioner and Integrative Health Practitioner I am here to guide and make recommendations. Everything on my website is simply based off my own personal experiences, education and what I have discovered working with clients.

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